
Your Customer Portal was designed with the customer in mind – it allows you to:

  1. View Unbilled Voice Calls (UNBILLED);
  2. View Your internet usage (UNBILLED);
  3. View your previous Statements (STATEMENTS);
  4. Cancel your service(s) (CANCEL REQUEST);
  5. View your Payment History (PAYMENTS);
  6. Make a Payment (MAKE A PAYMENT);
  7. Apply for Direct Debit (DIRECT DEBIT);
  8. Update your Direct Debit Information (DIRECT DEBIT); and
  9. Make changes to certain personal information (PERSONAL INFORMATION).

When you log into your Customer Portal you are presented 9 menu options as per the below diagram, you can return to the homepage at any point by clicking on the home tab option. 


Within your Customer Portal you have 7 option menus with each option offering you a different level of information to assist you in the self-management of your services.

Unbilled Tab

The Unbilled Tab contains 3 different sections; depending on the services you have with us will dictate what Tabs you have visible on your Customer Portal:

  1. ELECTRICITY – Depending on your site availability and meter type you can have access to real time usage statistics for the electricity consumption. Active Utilities are currently working with respective building managers to enable this service at majority of our sites.
  2. FIXED SERVICE – This Tab relates to your phone service(s). This tab allows you to view any unbilled call charges for each of your phone services. You have the ability to extract this data in report format as a .CSV, .XML of PDF file. 
  1. DATA USAGE – This Tab allows you to view how much of your monthly allowance you have used and your reset date.

Note: For Tabs 2 and 3 data is updated at 01:00 every night.

Statements Tab 

The statements Tab records all issued invoices in both graphical and PDF format. Data is stored in this location for 3 years prior to moving into the AU Archives for 5 Years. Customers can access this information up to 3 years after services are cancelled using there allocated username and password. If data is required further back than 3 years then a request must be submitted to Active Utilities. This billing information will be provided within 10 business days of the request at no charge. 

Invoices are loaded onto the system monthly at the end of the bill run period. As Active Utilities run multiple bill runs it is dependent on what cycle you fall into as to when the data will be available via your customer portal. 

Cancel Request Tab 

This Tab allows you to send a message directly to our disconnection team to cancel one or all of your services with Active Utilities. 

Payments Tab 

This Tab records all payments made within the last 3 years, the date the monies were paid and via what method. This data is updated within 3 - 5 business days of making a payment. The time delay is to ensure all funds have cleared and are processed correctly. 

Make a Payment Tab 

This is a simple credit card Payment gateway that will accept payment via the following credit cards: 

  1. Mastercard;
  2. Visa;

Paying via this method incurs 0% transaction fees. Please allow up to 3 business days for payments to clear and appear in your Payments Tab. 

Direct Debit Tab 

The Direct Debit Tab gives you full control of how you manage your monthly invoices if you wish to pay via Direct Debit. In this Tab you can: 

  1. Apply Direct Debit to your account. This will deduct the due amount of the bill on the due date of the received invoice; 


  1. Change your Direct Debit information i.e. update Credit Card details etc….

 Changes are immediate on your account once you hit the save button. 

 Personal Details Tab 

Keeping your billing and contact details is critical to ensure you receive your accounts in a timely manner. This Tab allows you to control critical contact information i.e. Billing Address, Contact Number, E-mail address etc… You also have the ability to select your bill delivery method i.e. Mail or E-mail. 

With this Tab your personal information should never be out of date. Changes are immediate on your account once you hit the Save Button. 

Customers Without Internet Access 

At Active Utilities we understand that not all customers always have access to Internet. For these customers we have a few options: 

  1. For Bill Payment you can contact our Over the Phone Payment Service on 1300 587 623 (Option 4) 24/7 to pay a bill. This Service will also allow you to apply a Direct Debit to your account for future payments; and 
  1. You can also contact our office on 1300 587 623 Monday to Friday 09:30 – 17:30 excluding Public Holidays for free access to all information available on your customer portal.

You can also download our Fact Sheet on this topic below: